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Do you have questions about our services, need detailed information about our offers or simply want to give us feedback? For more information contact us at one of our contact details below or simply fill out the contact form with your data and briefly describe your request. Our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Contact Headquarter HungaryP. Dussmann Kft.

1134 Budapest, Váci út 35. 
+36 1 266 1066

Presenting our management board

Dussmann Hungary

Sympathetic portrait of Torsten Csákó
Torsten Csákó

Managing Director

Sympathetic portrait of Éva Nagypál-Miknai
Éva Nagypál-Miknai

Head of Finance

Sympathetic portrait of Krisztián Varga
Krisztián Varga

Division Director Catering

Sympathetic portrait of István Lovák
István Lovák

Division Director Security

Sympathetic portrait of Amália Legisa
Amália Legisa

Division Director Technical Management

Sympathetic portrait of Gábor Facskó
Gábor Facskó

Division Director Cleaning

Sympathetic portrait of Csilla Wöller
Csilla Wöller

Head of Business Development

Zoltán Csillag

Branch Director Győr

dr. Gréta Balla

Head of HR

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